This improv veteran and former corporate trainer will win over your audience and deliver groundbreaking ideas—without breaking a sweat.
Well, hello! I'm so glad you're here. Speaking to groups is something I absolutely love to do. With a little bit of comedy and a whole lotta personality, my presentations are known for being dynamic, compelling, and super practical.
I'm not the speaker who goes through the motions of a tightly scripted presentation. I interact and engage with your audience to take them on a journey of discovery that leads to those coveted "Aha!" moments.
I call this methodology Learning by Surprise™. On the surface, it feels natural and spontaneous. But it's secretly powered by years of experience and honed by countless hours of training and numerous certifications.

My most popular talks are listed below. Interested in a topic not listed here? Let's chat!
You Are Your Brand
Female Heroes Need Better Mentors
Personal Branding for Sales Performance or Team Engagement
Hidden Brand Elements for Creative Entrepreneurs
Engage and Grow Your Audience through Emotional Connection
The Fascination Advantage®
Pssst... check out my most popular YouTube video!
LYS in the media:
View more media links in my speaker sheet!