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Go take a flying leap

Robyn Sayles

Girl with goggles jumping

In January of this year I made the decision to quit my full time job and take the leap into entrepreneurship. I knew it would be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. But I also knew that Catapult Creative Consulting could be more than just a great side hustle.

What I didn't know, or rather didn't realize at the time, was that I had made the decision to jump during a Leap Year. ​That is the kind of coincidence I can't ignore. It's like the universe was saying:

Might as well jump!*

David Lee Roth jumping

So this is me jumping!

Now it's your turn. Where can you jump? What leap can you take? You have an extra day this year. Seize it!

*Yes, in my head the universe sounds like David Lee Roth

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