You've taken the Fascination Personality Test™. You've discovered how the world sees you. Now it's time to put your Advantages to work!
For a team application, simply select a workshop and we'll incorporate your group's results into the curriculum.
There are so many ways that you can incorporate your Fascination Advantage® results into your marketing and everyday communication.
But how?
With brand coaching, you and I work together to build a standout brand based on your Advantages.
Or, if you'd like someone to speak to your entire organization about how to use the Fascination Advantage system, book me for your next event!

Robyn Sayles: Fascinate Certified Advisor
That's me! I'm proud to say that I'm one of a select group of people certified to train you on the Fascination Advantage® system. As a member of the inaugural group of advisors, I've been doing this for longer than most.
I was trying to hide and water down my personality when really, my personality was the key to my success! So I gave myself permission to just be me... unabashedly, unapologetically, and all-the-way me.
I chose to become a Fascinate Certified Advisor five years ago, when I took the Fascination Personality Test™. After taking one look at my Fascination Advantage results, it was suddenly clear why I had felt stuck for so long.
It launched the success of my business, and here I am five years later, ready to help you launch your success. The best part is: you don't have to change who you are. You just need to embrace your "awesome" and capitalize on it.

A Brand Success Story
Pivoting the direction of your business can be daunting and scary. Especially when your brand is already established. When a successful local business owner was ready to make the move to successful local thought leader and speaker, she was worried about losing her existing clients. But when she aligned her marketing with her Advantages, not only did she successfully pivot without alienating those loyal clients, she was also able to raise her rates—doubling her profits in one year.

Training High-Performing Sales Teams
When a leading global financial team noticed that they were losing clients to the competition, they realized that their worldwide representatives needed a lesson in branding—fast. The entire team took the Fascination Personality Test™ prior to their LYS workshop, where they learned how to turn their Advantages into compelling personal brands. Everyone left the workshop ready to take on the competition. In fact, the company who taught them interview and PR skills the next day called and thanked me for making their job infinitely easier!

Branding From the Stage
Podcasters are a diverse and talented community, yet much of their industry education consists of “this is what everyone uses” or “this is how you should do it.” So, when the largest podcast conference in Florida asked me to speak about how podcasters can use their Fascination Advantages, I jumped at the chance. Using fun, simple, and relevant examples, I showed them how their Advantages impact every aspect of their podcast and get them noticed in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
Fascination Advantage, Fascination Personality Test, and Discover How The World Sees You are registered trademarks of Fascinate, Inc. To learn more about the Fascination Advantage system, or its creator, Sally Hogshead, visit www.howtofascinate.com. Copyright © 2014-2018 Sally Hogshead and How to Fascinate®. All rights reserved.